
While we take good care of our oral health and hygiene, our teeth may sometimes look dull. Also, stains on the teeth could be hard to remove at home. Hence, a dental procedure called teeth whitening clinically whitens your teeth while removing any stains. However, being a clinical process, you must aftercare to maintain the procedure’s benefits while ensuring the effect lasts for a long time. 

In this blog, Panache Dental, the best clinic for teeth whitening in Panchsheel Park, shares some professional suggestions for avoiding foods and those to consume after a teeth whitening procedure. 

Understanding Teeth Whitening

In the teeth whitening process, stains and discoloration from the teeth using skin-safe bleaching agents. When the layer of plaque is removed from the teeth, it leaves them porous and sensitive, which means some food or drink can easily stain the teeth and cause sensitivity. You are also advised to avoid all food and beverages in the first hour after the price is set. This high vulnerability to staining and teeth sensitivity requires intense care in the first few days after the teeth whitening.  

Foods and Drinks to Avoid After Teeth Whitening

Many foods and drinks can cause staining and painful sensitivity experiences if consumed after teeth whitening. Here is what to avoid to maintain teeth whitening.

  1. Staining Beverages

Beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine have staining properties, which means they can stain anything that comes in contact with clothes, paper, and even freshly cleaned teeth. The stains can be unpleasant and tough to remove. Hence, it is important to avoid these beverages to allow your teeth to shine.

  1. Staining Foods

Some foods, such as berries, tomato-based sauces, soy sauce, beets, and curry, contain natural colors visible on your teeth and tongue. Normally, these may not be a problem, but consuming them after the teeth whitening procedure causes deep stains on the teeth.

  1. Acidic Foods and Drinks

The porous, newly whitened teeth are at a higher risk of sensitivity. Acidic foods and drinks such as citrus, food or dressing that contains vinegar, energy drinks, and carbonated drinks have an acidic impact on sensitive teeth, causing jerks of pain and discoloring them.

  1. Dark-Colored Foods

Dark food items that contain artificial colors, such as chocolate, candies, and fast food, can leave traces of their colors on the teeth when eaten after a teeth cleaning session. Try avoiding such foods to prevent such incidents.

Foods and Drinks to Consume After Teeth Whitening

While some foods and drinks are unhealthy to consume after teeth whitening, some effectively promote oral health.

  1. Clear Beverages

Drinks that do not contain any natural or artificial colors and carbonation, such as water, milk, and coconut water, are widely suggested for after-tooth whitening procedures. These help maintain hydration without risking discoloration.

  1. Non-Staining Foods

Food that does not contain staining colors is safe to eat after a cleaning procedure. Potatoes, Cauliflower, and Plain Pasta are healthy and would not affect the whiteness of fresh teeth. Some non-vegetarian options include white meat, white fish, and eggs. Red meat can leave stains on the teeth and must be avoided.

  1. Foods That Promote Oral Health

Skinless apples, carrots, celery, strawberries, cheese, and yogurt promote healthy teeth and gums. Including these in your diet can help you quickly recover from sensitivity after teeth whitening while maintaining the whiteness for long durations.

Tips for Maintaining Whitening Results

To maintain the results of teeth whitening after the procedure, follow these steps:

  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after consuming anything to avoid discoloration or staining.
  • Avoid eating or drinking anything with intense natural or artificial colors, as it can disrupt the results of teeth whitening.
  • Maintain oral hygiene practices like brushing twice daily, followed by flossing and mouthwash, for better oral health and to avoid infections.
  • Use a whitening toothpaste or at-home treatments as your dentist recommends to maintain the whiteness of your teeth.


In conclusion, teeth whitening needs an in-depth aftercare by moderating what you could consume. It is essential to avoid anything that could cause sensitivity, discolor the freshly cleaned white teeth, or disturb oral health in any way. The food items suggested to avoid mentioned in this blog are strictly to be avoided. The healthier preferred alternatives of those food items are also included here. Also, it is suggested that you avoid any food items you might not like due to veganism or allergies and consult Panache Dental to learn the alternatives to such food items that provide similar nutritional value.

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