Periodontics in Panchsheel Park
What is periodontal treatment?
Periodontal treatment involves treating dental diseases which are caused by bacteria and dental plaque around the tooth damaging the tissue around it, which further leads to bleeding and swollen gums, sensitivity in teeth and painful chewing. So Periodontists are dentists who specialise in the treatment of periodontal diseases and take care of the management and treatment of the problems around the teeth.
Why is periodontal treatment done?
The aim of periodontal treatment is to:
- clear up the pockets around teeth and preserve the bones.
- To treat swollen, puffy and bleeding gums.
- To fill up the spaces developing in the teeth.
- To cure gums that are bright red, dusky red, and purplish gums that feel tender when touching.
- To treat bad odour that comes out of the mouth due to bacterial infection.
- To settle the spitting of blood when brushing or flossing.
Types of Periodontal Disease
There are a total of five types of periodontal diseases and those are:
- Gingivitis: Healthy gums have a pink appearance. When these healthy gums turn to be red, swollen, and sore then that signifies that you may have gingivitis, the less severe form of periodontal disease but if left untreated could cause severe damage. Because of a lack of knowledge about oral hygiene gingivitis is so common and is considered gum disease at its initial stage. With the help of experts in the field of dentistry and proper oral home care, your gums can be reversed to their original condition.
- Periodontitis: Periodontitis is a progressive disease of the gums. It is not only restricted to gum tissue instead it spreads all around the tooth leading to jawbone atrophy. Symptoms of periodontitis include pus-filled teeth, bad mouth odour, receding gums and damaged tooth pockets which provide shelter for bacterial growth.
- Aggressive periodontitis: Aggressive periodontitis is the more severe form of periodontitis. All the structure around or in the teeth gets involved in this condition and can lead to severe tooth-bone destruction.
- Necrotizing periodontal disease: those people who have systemic involvement are more prone to get these diseases. As the word explains necrosis means the death of the tissue which could be periodontal ligament and bone because of deprivement of nourishment. So proper treatment is required to keep the oral tissues healthy.
- Chronic Periodontitis: This type is the most often occurring form of periodontitis and is assessed by the pocket formation in the teeth and destruction of the gum line. It leads to bone loss and the development of inflammation of tissue surrounding the tooth structures. It is more common in adults but can happen at any time of age. Progression of this disease may lead to severe tooth destruction.
Difference Between Periodontitis and Gingivitis?
Gingivitis as the name suggests inflammation of the gums In its early stages plaque (containing bacteria) gets deposited in the areas between the teeth. Bleeding from gums is common while brushing. Gingivitis mainly affects gums which may be irritated and can get swollen but the teeth are still planted in their areas.
A very common sign of gingivitis is the red, purplish swollen gums that bleed easily while you brush your teeth. As it is a reversible disease so there is not much to worry about since it’s the mildest type of gum disease. On the other hand, when periodontitis occurs that compromises the inner structures of the teeth, tooth loss can occur due to loss of bone. The pocket within the teeth collects the debris and can become infected with a bacterial infection.
What are the symptoms
Symptoms of periodontitis may include:
- Swollen or bleeding gums.
- Pain while chewing the food
- Crooked Or cracked teeth which leads to poor tooth alignment.
- Unclear pockets between teeth and gums.
- Discoloration of the teeth.
- Pus forming around the teeth which may lead to further infection.
Visit your dentist if you feel any of the symptoms above for a proper check-up and get counselling about oral hygiene.
Which is the best periodontal clinic in Delhi
Periodontal clinic in Delhi which offers the best treatment is the panache dental clinic with a team of dental professionals and specialised doctors in the field of dentistry who serves the best treatment options.
Dental Advice
- Avoid intake of tobacco which can cause tooth damage and decay.
- Improving eating habits because it depends on what you eat and the quality of food items you eat.
- Work on reduction of the stress level that people face every day which leads to the production of negative hormones in the body that may even cause tooth decay.
Dental Care Services
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Frequently Asked Questions
If you want to prevent bone loss and strengthen your teeth then yes periodontal treatment is worth it. Periodontal treatment also helps to prevent tooth damage and manage other dental issues.
With the advancement in technology and modern equipment, the treatment for peridontitis became a pain-free procedure to perform. But yes some discomfort and uneasiness can be felt by the patients.
A complete cure for periodontal disease can require surgical intervention.
There are various indications that force you to visit your dentist and those are swollen gums, irritated teeth, misalignment of teeth etc. Considering these symptoms your dentist will recommend whether to go for surgery or not.
The cost of periodontal treatment in Delhi may vary from $600 to $1200 which again depends on the type of periodontal treatment required.
Reach Out to Us.
- +91 97174 34324
- +91 8368598674